.Saturday, December 18, 2010 ' 11:56 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
Normally ppl would get woken up by alarm clock , light shining in ur eye , etc ... but for me is different case . I get woken up by my neighbours cat ....==wtf
.Thursday, December 9, 2010 ' 4:49 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
This is the original the simpsons (main casts) watching tv in the simspons house

This is the same thing but edited (note: i did not edit this I juz found this n it looks intersting)....
.Thursday, December 2, 2010 ' 4:58 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is

Its december = rain rain rain evry day...Drip drip drop .......lazy do hmw ..last minute then do......seriously i cant think of anything intersting to rithe on the blog...plus i dun wan to report on wad i do evry day on the blog...mainly is beacuse my life might be boring consisting on only this few simple routine evryday : eat , slp , watch tv, play game..ok my life IS boring==but still lazy to do hmw ..I need motivation to do things like hmw but too bad there is no motivation so i m not doing ...( last minute then do the motivation is [dun wan die])plus my blog is getting old n boring i should probably do something to make it new n fresh but then again ... nahhh ...maybe some other time when there is something to motivate me to do so .....so there I m again going back to my old routine ...eat ,slp ,watch tv , play game...