.Thursday, March 26, 2009 ' 3:41 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
Happy now i change the blog skin liao!!...
.Friday, March 20, 2009 ' 9:57 AM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
this stupid quiz is tagged by siti1) Besides your lips,where is your favourite spot to get kissed?who care2) How do you feel when you woke up in the morning?like killing ppl3) Who is the last person you took photo with?ghost4) Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?y do u nid 2 noe5) Would you ever donate blood?y must i6) Have you ever had a best friend of the opposite sex?y should i 7) Do you want someone dead?YES 8) What does your last message says?i don care about my last msg9) What are you thinking right now?I SHOULD BE ASLEEP RITHE NOW N ONLY WAKE UP @12PM!!!10)Do you wish someone was with you right now?no11)What time did you go to sleep last night?1am12) Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing right now?hell13) Is someone on your mind right now?no hu would be on my mind when i feel like killing ppl now(unless the person 1 2 die...)?14) Who was the last person to text you?god15)tagg 5 ppl 2 do this quiz..1.monica2.cynthia3.vanessa4.shinying5.aletheaITS A STUPID QUIZ I SHOULD HAVE FILLED UP ABC OR 123 4 EVRY BLANK if u r tagg take my advice n fill up abc or 1 2 3 for the answers...now is so not the time 4 me 2 be awake...2morrow ave 2 reach sch by6am more sian.. ppl 1 2 sleep leh..give such stupid time...
.Tuesday, March 17, 2009 ' 4:21 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is

so long nvr upload pics liao ... here is some pic when snow white comes alive , what will she do(photo taken from my grandparents house)
.Saturday, March 14, 2009 ' 1:34 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
cross country then tired sian...don 1 2 rithe liao
.Saturday, March 7, 2009 ' 5:06 PM Y
evil is GOOD and i like the way it is
test this whole week dao crazy liao next week is oso the same... is music project make me then crazy...sian nxt friday cross country more sian...nth 2 said liao